Discover how AI simplifies personal finance management, reduces household expenses, and empowers smarter budgeting with personalized savings insights.
Discover how Pine can help you waive resort fees when booking hotels. Learn what resort fees are, why they’re charged, and how Pine negotiates to save you money.
Learn how Pine can help you get refunds for weak in-flight Wi-Fi from airlines like British Airways, Delta, and Norwegian Airlines with its AI-powered service.
Learn how Pine’s AI-powered service helps you avoid costly overdraft fees by negotiating with banks on your behalf, securing refunds, and ensuring you stay fee-free.
Discover how Pine’s AI-powered service makes it easy to claim flight delay compensation, saving you time and securing refunds for delays, missed connections, and cancellations.
Learn how Pine’s AI-powered service helps you get account maintenance fees refunded and avoid monthly charges by negotiating with your bank on your behalf.
Learn how Pine’s AI-powered service can help you negotiate and reduce common bank fees, saving you time and money on charges like overdrafts, ATM fees, and account maintenance
You can let Pine AI to negotiate bills like cable, internet, and phone to save significantly each month.
Let Pine take a look at your bill with Verizon and save money right now!
Tired of long hold times and being passed between agents?
Our story began with a frustrating experience disputing a credit card transaction with Bank of America.